Ultimate Starter Kit for Professionals
Mini 2 - For deep muscular and trigger point massage
ProBlaster - Our most gentle and intuitive tool yet
Wrap Kryo Pack - For soothing Kryotherapy.
Brush Booster - With one side for stimulating the lymphatic system and the other for temporary blood flow to the skin
Blaster Oil®️ Essentials - Formulated with essential oils for a seamless Blasting experience.
Fasciablaster - For deep myofascial blasting
Nugget - Trigger point massage
Cellulite Myth Book (Digital)- Our #1 National Best Seller Fascia Bible
Mini Paddle - Easy to hold small claws for surface dents and a flusher for moving fluids and for scanning the tissue.
OMGBlaster - The ultimate 5-in-1 face tool
Faceblaster - For sculpting the face and little spots, like the knees
ProNugget - For gentle to intense deep tissue work
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*Recommendation - 3 oils & 1 cream / 4 weeks